Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Beautiful Autumnal Wedding

I met Roxanne & Marcus for the first time when I took their engagement photos in Lions Park last spring. Here is the link to that blog post...

Roxanne & Marcus' Engagement Photos

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I was so excited for the rich, warm style and colors that Roxanne and Marcus had planned for their special day. But much to my dismay, I woke up the morning of their wedding to a very chilly, very foggy, dare I say, wintery morning and I was worried. Luckily Mother Nature did not disappoint, and by ceremony time, it was a beautiful autumnal day.

Here are some of my favorites so far;

The groom to be...

The gents...

Marcus looking at his beautiful bride...

Roxanne looking so stunning...

The sand ceremony...

I am really loving the ring shots lately...

Roxanne and Marcus,
I really want to thank you both for having Skip and myself be a part of your wedding day. It was emotional, and heartfelt and beautiful, thank you.

Oh, and part two coming soon...


CamilleElise said...

Loved looking back through their engagement photos!! I love weddings that have the sand ceremony encorporated. Great wedding, can't wait for part 2 :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the ringshot most, looks great!